Winterize Checklist

According to, the Baltimore and D.C. area will see above average snowfall this winter based on the presence and strength of El Niño.

"An El Niño pattern is classified by above-normal water temperatures in the central and equatorial Pacific Ocean. Warming the ocean water in turn warms the air above the Pacific, causing weather patterns to change globally. El Niño winters feature a strong southern branch of the jet stream across the U.S. When the strong southern jet stream phases with the northern branch of the jet stream, big storms can impact the East."

Based on the predictions for this winter, it is important to winterize your home! Begin the process with this checklist:

1. Check the gutters & downspouts to make sure they are clear of debris. Consider a leaf guard production system to prevent gutter and roof damage due to clogging.

2. Seal all windows & doors- keep the warm air in and lower bills by adding weather-stripping and caulk.

3. Do a thorough roof inspection- check for damaged or warped shingles, corroded flashing and leaky vents.

4. Check the attic for proper insulation and leaks.

5.Repair cracked sidewalks & driveways to avoid freezing and larger cracks in freezing temperatures.

6. Drain & turn off outdoor faucets and irrigation systems.

7. Replace furnace filters and have a professional check the heating system if the system is 5+ years old.

            8. Test smoke & CO monitors, keep fire extinguishers accessible.
Checklist provided by Columbia Roofing